The first half of the show is a blast from the past as we revisit WO!R’s conversation with Adam Makos, discussing his book Devotion.
After the break (23:21), Sophie Lewis calls Annie from London to discuss her translation from French of Noémi Lefebvre’s Poetics of Work, delving into what “work” means inside and outside of a monetary context, translating insults and rhythms, police violence in the US and France, and why societies may want to pay their poets more.
First, Liz brings S. C. Gwynne onto the show to discuss Hymns of the Republic: The Story of the Final Year of the Civil War, bringing immediacy and new insight to Civil War history and the people who made it happen.
In the second half of the hour, a legacy interview from Ian makes a reappearance! Enjoy this opportunity to join Ian’s conversation with Hanne Ørstavik about her novel Love, translated into English by Martin Aitken.