It was a big night for community journalism at the Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists 2023 Page One Awards. KFAI reporters won five awards in the Radio category at last night’s ceremony, including three first-place mentions.
Season 6 of KFAI’s MinneCulture was recognized as Best Podcast — congratulations to producers Joe Friedrichs, Emily Haavik, Sheila Regan, Matthew Schneeman, Tony Williams, host John Gebretatose, and producer/editor Julie Censullo. Reporters Michelle Bruch and Joe Friedrichs were honored with first place awards for feature reporting and in-depth reporting, respectively. Reporter Tony Williams was honored with a third place award for feature reporting and Ryan Dawes and April Ehrlich were honored with a third place award for breaking news coverage.
The award ceremony was held at the Minnesota History Center in St. Paul.
Community journalism provides a unique opportunity to uplift stories from the diverse communities of the Twin Cities and greater Minnesota, and it is an honor to be recognized for this work. KFAI is proud of the thoughtful, diligent, and creative work of all of our reporters and producers.
Complete list of awards:
Podcast – First Place awarded to Julie Censullo, Emily Haavik, Matthew Schneeman, Tony Williams, Sheila Regan, Joe Friedrichs, and John Gebretatose for season 6 of the MinneCulture Podcast (
Apple Podcasts |
Spotify |
Award announcement on the MNSPJ website:
Congratulations again to all the honorees!