KFAI Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
This month’s meeting of the Fresh Air, Inc. Board of Directors will be held on Wednesday, May 27, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. (This is a one-time change from the customary date due to the Memorial Day holiday.)
Important note: Because of the CDC recommendations regarding the coronavirus COVID-19, this month’s meeting will be held virtually. Participants can take part online or by phone. Below the agenda is the information about the Zoom meeting invitation.
If you have questions about the meeting, or wish to add an agenda item, please email the Board at <[email protected]> prior to the meeting. The Board roster, contact information and prior meeting minutes and financials are available at kfai.org/board.
KFAI Board meetings are open to the public; all interested persons are welcome to attend. The meeting will begin promptly at 7:00 pm.
KFAI Board of Directors Agenda for Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Board Member Roles and Responsibilities: Lead Strategically. Ensure Financial Stability. Be an Ambassador. Ensure Healthy Governance. Supervise and Support the General Manager.
KFAI Mission: KFAI is a volunteer-based community radio station that exists to broadcast information, arts and entertainment programming for an audience of diverse racial, social and economic backgrounds. By providing a voice for people ignored or misrepresented by mainstream media, KFAI increases understanding between peoples and communities, while fostering the values of democracy and social justice.
01. Call to order and roll call 7:00
— Appoint Timekeeper
02. Approve agenda 7:03
03. Approve minutes of April meeting 7:08
04. Introduction of guests 7:10
05. Board check-in (Jamie E) 7:15
06. General Manager’s report (Ron T) 7:20
— Will include update on Purchase Agreement for 106.7 translator with Hmong American Radio
07. Treasurer’s report (Stacey T) 7:35
08. Grants/Loans update (Jacque P) 7:50
09. General Manager Search Committee update (Jacque P) 8:00
— Review timeline for applications and interviews
10. Governance (Jamie E) 8:05
— Open Board Positions/Board Recruitment Committee (Jamie/Gabe)
— Co-chair model for the BOD (Jamie)–By-laws change
— Grievance Procedures (Jamie/Jacque)
— Board, Leadership Committee, Staff Relationships (Jacque)
11. Working with MN Peacebuilding Leadership
— Improved board dynamics (Jacque P) 8:30
12. Strategic Plan update (Jacque P) 8:35
— Review Strategic Plan Committee Structure and Planning Documents in Google
— Importance of Future is Now Committee–need additional members to work on investigating a new space/home by Dec. 2021
— Expectations of monthly reports from the Committees and note taking
— Board membership on Committees and expectations
13. Content Advisory Committee (CAC) report (Mike M) (time allowing) 8:45
14. Public comment (three-minute limit each) 8:50
15. Station events 8:55
16. Adjournment 9:00
KFAI Community Radio is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: KFAI May Board Meeting
Time: May 27, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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