DJs: ROAE Crew
Black Metal, Death Metal, Doom, Grindcore, Heavy Metal, Metal, Sludge, Symphonic Metal, Thrash
On Thursday, May 21st, the crews behind the Root of All Evil, Shadow Planet, and Roar of the Underground took over the station for the second year in a row, playing 24 hours straight of metal music to raise money in honor of Earl Root, including:
- Programming covering the depth and breadth of heavy music’s immense history, from deep cuts to classic favorites
- Live on-air hosts all day from the Root of All Evil (KFAI’s flagship heavy metal show airing weekly since 1987), Shadow Planet (run entirely by–and focusing on–women and people of marginalized genders), and Roar of the Underground (highlighting local and up-and-coming acts)
- Stories and (over-the-phone) guest appearances from the Twin Cities metal community Earl helped build and influence
- Live on-air performances (at appropriate social distance, of course) by local bands The Omega Sequence and Ysilik