Mr. Music Hoops: Basketball And THC? Lets Talk About It.

Its another great episode of Mr. Music Hoops! We touch on a very sensitive subject in the sports world. THC and it’s possible positive effects on adult athletes. That includes basketball players too. This is a real discussion on using THC  verses other options such as prescription drugs and other methods. Jo Madrid of High Life Consulting LLC steps in for a very informative conversation about the topic.  Recently here from Colorado, she has a strong background in health and wellness as it relates to THC and its positive effects on humans.


Whether you are are either side of agreement or disagreement, this show will perk your ears. As you know all views expressed on this show are not of KFAI FM.

Make sure you to tune in close as you will learn a few things you might not of known! That’s right ! Its the Mr. Music Hoops Show. Where the basketball culture lives!


If you or someone you know wants to speak about their basketball event, tournament , team etc all you have to do is send me an email at [email protected] or [email protected].


You can also follow Mr Music of Mr. Music Hoops on Facebook.

90.3 FM, 106.7 FM,, Minneapolis, St. Paul
KFAI Podcasts
Mr. Music Hoops: Basketball And THC? Lets Talk About It.


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