MinneCulture | Moving In The Next Direction: The Works of Filmmaker Missy Whiteman

MinneCulture | Moving In The Next Direction: The Works of Filmmaker Missy Whiteman

Missy Whiteman is a Minneapolis-based Northern Arapaho and Kickapoo filmmaker exploring new ways of Indigenous storytelling with expanded cinema and new technology. The Coyote Way: Going Back Home is a two dimensional short sci-fi film that is transformed into The Coyote Way: X – Expanded Cinema Experience. It is shot in 360 degrees, uses virtual reality and includes video synthesizer, projection and audience participation.

“When you watch the film, you see that there’s actually two different realms that exist,” says Whiteman. “There’s this time period and then there’s also ancestral time line which dates back to the wild west time, to relocation at boarding school era. We’re so used to moving in a linear fashion when it comes to filmmaking and we’re afraid to really pull out those boundaries and say, ‘let’s just experiment with story line, let’s experiment with telling the story.’ “

KFAI’s Dixie Treichel spoke with Whiteman about the film. Listen below.

Support for MinneCulture on KFAI comes from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

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