MinneCulture | Come one, come all to the Queer Circus!

MinneCulture | Come one, come all to the Queer Circus!

Come One, Come All to the Queer Circus! Founded by Martina Mayotte (The Bearded Lady) and Gabe Gabriel (The Ring Master with Silver Slipper Productions), Queer Circus is a menagerie of spectacular performers creating an all-inclusive “cirque-lesque” experience to promote queer and non-binary visibility.

Queer Circus builds unique shows for a variety of spaces, including Can Can Wonderland, the Minnesota Fringe Festival, Lush Lounge & Theatre, Twin Cities Pride and other events across Minnesota. KFAI’s Dixie Treichel recently visited the Queer Circus and spoke with the founders and some of the performers in today’s story.

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